
"WAST organizes an Interactive Session on Prospects of Earth Science in Academia and Industry on 26 September 2024 at Durgapur Govt College."

West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology

President's Message

At the outset, I would like to express my gratitude to the Fellowship of the West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology (WAST) to repose their faith and confidence in me to let me perform the duties of the President of WAST. It is indeed a great honor bestowed on me. At the same time, it is also a big challenge for me.

Today, at this juncture, I would like to say a few words about the goals and targets that I have in my mind. The first and foremost thing that comes to my mind is what adds value to WAST in relation to the science and technology fraternity of West Bengal in particular and of our nation in general. Should we confine ourselves to Fellow/Associate selection and committee meetings in addition to a limited number of lecture meetings. No doubt that we have to do these, but we need to do more. WAST Fellowship comprises distinguished scientists and technologists covering the broad spectrum of science & technology, who are both icons and leaders. We are required to come up with policy documents or future roadmaps on issues that are affecting our fraternity. In other words, we should act like think tank, committed to maintaining quality, impartiality, and ethical standards. I give a clarion call to the WAST Fellowship in general and to all the thirteen sectional committees in particular to provide leadership in framing appropriate policy for national benefit & professional interest, forecasting futuristic scientific and technological avenues and guiding science & technology education and training. I fervently request each sectional committee to undertake status review and publish at least one report every year on future scope of research and innovation in the specific subject domain.

At the same time, it is also a fact that the autonomous activity of any organization depends on the funds available with the entity. WAST would be able to extend its activities in diverse directions if adequate funds could be generated. I foresee a big role of the sectional committees and the Fellowship in this context.

Communication is the key to success for any organization. WAST needs to reach out to the entire Fellowship on a regular basis and at the same time should make its presence felt in the broader arena of science and technology.

WAST Council and the Office Bearers would work closely with the Fellowship in the foreseeable future. Personally, I look forward to fruitful interactions with the Fellowship and would welcome constructive suggestions on how to make WAST more relevant to the cause of science and technology.

I express sincere appreciation of the outstanding services rendered by my predecessors and the previous councils.

Thank you all once again for giving me the opportunity to serve WAST. I will try my level best.

With warm fraternal greetings.

Sivaji Chakravorti

History of the Academy

A convention of scientists and technologies of West Bengal was held on 29th April, 1986 in the auditorium of Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata to consider the question of forming an Academy of Science in West Bengal. Out of prolonged discussion, the house decided to form such an Academy and constituted an ad-hoc committee, with Professor Sushil Kumar Mukherjee as the Chairman, to take necessary steps to give effect to this decision in a general meeting on 20th January, 1989 in the auditorium of IICB, the formation of the Academy (WAST) with 136 Founder Fellows.
The first elected Council of the Academy, with Prof. S.K. Mukherjee as President, Prof. S.C. Pakrashi and Prof. R.K. Poddar as Vice-Presidents, met on 24th August, 1989 to elect office-bearers. The Academy then was registered as a Society (S/65001 to 1990-91). A new Academy entitled "West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology" was thus born.

Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB)