Report on the Prof. J.C. Sengupta Endowment Lecture 2024 Venue: Unified Academic Campus, Bose Institute, Salt Lake, Kolkata. Date: 15 January 2025
One of the three endowment lectures organized every year by the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST) is in the memory of the great teacher cum researcher
Prof. J.C. Sengupta. Prof. Sengupta did pioneering studies on basic aspects of growth and metabolism of various plants.
In this year, the eminent plant scientist, Prof. Anjan Kumar Banerjee, FNA, FASc, FNASc, Rahul Bajaj Chair Professor, Biology Division, IISER, Pune, was invited for delivering the Prof. J.C. Sengupta Endowment Lecture.
The Lecture was held in collaboration with Bose Institute, Kolkata, on the 15th January 2025, at 2.30 PM in the Unified Academic Campus, Bose Institute, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
The endowment lecture was attended by many WAST Fellows along with large number of research scholars and post-graduate students. Live Streaming of the event was done on the YouTube channel of the WAST. Good number of Faculty members and researchers from various other academic institutions joined online.
At the outset, Prof. Anup Kumar Mishra, Acting Director, Bose Institute, addressed the gathering extending hearty welcome to online and offline participants. After the welcome address by Prof. Mishra, Dr. Amit Ghosh, Vice President, WAST, delivered his address on behalf of the WAST and described various activities of the WAST throughout the year as well as contributions of the WAST to the Society.
Thereafter, Dr. Pratip Kumar Palit, a Senior WAST Fellow, who is a student of Prof. J.C.Sengupta, elegantly outlined the biography of Prof. Sengupta as well as highlighted his contributions as academician, researcher and administrator. He also pointed out to the participants the history of the generation of funds for organizing this particular endowment lecture annually.
Prof. Maitrayee Dasgupta, Secretary, WAST, introduced Prof. Anjan Kumar Banerjee, the speaker of the event to the audience. She also expressed her sincere gratitude to the speaker for his acceptance of the invitation for this endowment lecture in spite of his busy schedule.
The title of the lecture by Prof. Anjan Kumar Banerjee was “Impact of mobile RNAs and proteins on plant growth and productivity: Potato as a classic example”. He started with a statement that every aspect of growth, development, response to different stresses by all plants starting from small herbs to large trees are controlled by long distant signalling from one organ to other. Plasdodesmata serves as the gateway for transmitting these signals.
He also highlighted the research results of the last twenty years demonstrated by different investigators how RNA, Proteins, small RNAs, long non-coding RNAs serve as mobile signals, which in turn regulate plants’ growth, development and ultimate yield. Research on well characterised floral signal “Florigen” has contributed immensely for the advancement of understanding of the intricacies of this area of research.
He also clearly explained how the mobile signals from distant parts of the leaves and stems contribute to underground tuberisation of potato. His vibrant and enthusiastic way of presentation kept the audience mesmerised.
The interactive session was lively and enjoyable. Lots of questions were asked by the participants and Prof. Banerjee responded with excitement. Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, President, WAST, felicitated the speaker and appreciated his energetic way of explaining the complex knowledge in a simple way. Finally, on behalf of WAST the formal vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Anindita Seal, FNAScT.
"Dr. Pratip Kumar Palit highlighting the contributions of Prof. J.C. Sengupta""Prof. Maitrayee Dasgupta introducing the speaker""Prof. Anjan Kumar Banerjee delivering the endowment lecture""The lively Q&A session""Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, President, WAST, felicitating the speaker""Dr. Anindita Seal proposing the vote of thanks"
Report on the seminar on 'Biochemistry: Then and now' Venue: Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta Date: 06 January 2025
The Centennial Celebration of Prof. J.J. Ghosh took place at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, through an international seminar on 'Biochemistry: Then and now'.
This was organized by Prof. J.J. Ghosh Foundation jointly with the Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, in collaboration with the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology.
The welcome address was delivered by Prof. Sanghamitra Sengupta, HoD, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, followed by Prof. Mrinal Kanti Poddar, President, Prof. J.J. Ghosh Foundation.
The invited speakers were Prof. Sankar Mitra, Houston Methodist Scholar, UTMB, USA, Prof. Sankar Adhya, NCI/NIH, USA, Prof. Arun Dutta, NU, San Diego, USA, Prof. Dhrubajyoti Chattopadhyay, FAScT, VC, SNU, Kolkata, and Prof. Gouri Sankar Ghosh, UCSD, USA.
The memoirs of Prof. J.J. Ghosh at Prof. J.J. Ghosh Memorial Hall were inaugurated by Dr. P.K. Sarkar, Retired Scientist, CSIR, IICB. The whole session was chaired by Prof. N.C. Mandal, Retired Scientist, Bose Institute. There were approximately 250 participants. The seminar was a grand success.
The entire seminar was streamed live on the YouTube channel of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology and is also archived there for posterity. There was a Reminiscence session, which was coordinated by Dr. Aditi Nag Chaudhuri, former Associate Professor and HoD, Department of Microbiology, Lady Brabourne College, and Secretary, Prof. J.J. Ghosh Foundation.
The participants of the session were Dr. Chandra Chaudhuri, former Associate Professor, Asutosh College, Mr. Subrata Banerjee Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, and Prof. Maitrayee Dasgupta, Secretary, WAST. The entire program was conducted by Dr. Rini Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Bidhannagar College, and life member of Prof. J.J. Ghosh Foundation.
"Lecture by Prof. Dhrubajyoti Chattopadhyay""Lecture by Prof. Arun Datta""Lecture by Prof. Gouri Sankar Ghosh""Reminiscence of Prof. J.J. Ghosh by Prof. Maitreyee Dasgupta""Group photo of the speakers with the organizers and dignitaries"
Report on the Environmental and Health Awareness Program titled “Green Steps, Healthy Lives: Empowering Students for a Sustainable Future” Venue: 'Khejuri Adarsha Vidyapith', Khejuri - II, Purba Medinipur, Pin-721431 Date: 02 January 2025
An Environmental and Health Awareness Program titled “Green Steps, Healthy Lives: Empowering Students for a Sustainable Future” was organized jointly by the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology and Khejuri Adarsha Vidyapith,
a well-known educational institution of Khejuri Thana, Purba Medinipur, on 2nd January 2025 on the occasion of the 79th birthday celebration of the school. Mr. Samudhav Das, an alumnus of the school and recently retired Assistant Headmaster, presided over the function.
Dr. Shivnath Maiti, former Chief Scientist, CMERI Durgapur, who is a distinguished son of Khejuri, inaugurated the event.
Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, and the President, West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, was present as the Chief Guest. Prof. Chittaranjan Sinha, Dean, Faculty of Science & Professor of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, and also the Secretary,
Indian Photobiology Society and Mr. Tushar Kanti Jana, former student and recent retired teacher of the school, graced the event as special guests. The topic of discussion touched the minds of the students, parents and well-wishers alike. In this program, Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti and
Prof. Chittaranjan Sinha along with President of the program Mr. Samudhav Das and the Headmaster Mr. Vidyut Kumar Das and Special Guest Mr. Tushar Kanti Jana participated in the discussion.
The speakers motivated the students by discussing various topics of science in relation to environment and health issues. Important messages given during the discussion are i) Science will always help us, but we should never destroy anything in nature with science,
ii) Nature has to be protected as we depend on nature to live and
iii) A healthy environment should be provided to the next generation. The speakers opined that such discussion on science awareness should be held at various educational institutions all over the state of West Bengal. Thanking everyone and wishing everyone a Happy New Year, the President concluded the meeting.
"Felicitation of the dignitaries in the inaugural session""WAST leadership and the School HM paying homage to the founders of the school""Prof. Sivaji Chakravorti, President, WAST, speaking in the program""Prof. Chittaranjan Sinha, FAScT, delivering his lecture"